Empowering Refugee & Migrant Women
through Creative Methods and Digital Literacy

One of the activities of all REMCREAD Partner Organisations during LTTA in Palermo was to present the best practices and success stories from previous projects, that could be an inspiration for our further project’s work. Foundation for Migrants Good Start was pleased to share a set of good practices developed during art-therapy workshops and cultural and psycho-social support for migrant and refugee women, with special focus on Ukrainian women with children and refugees from different countries and with different socio-religious background.
All activities (e.g. handicraft and culinary workshops) included increasing the level and enabling integration into society were held with a value-based and identity-based approach. Cooking workshops, outdoor activities such as planting basic vegatables, presentations and playing instruments, as well as cultural and artistic games and shows, and reading fairy tales were crucial for creating a bond and building trust between trainers and beneficiaries, as well within the group of participants. The results were indeed very beneficial and can be inspiration for our next plans.